Top Six Best Mobile App Development Platforms in 2019

In order to implement the best business marketing strategy, you need to use a well-maintained website. Along with it, you can also own a mobile application with which it is easier to reach your target audience faster. Most of the people own smartphones and that’s why these mobile applications are really helping the companies to earn better revenue.

Mobile App Development Platforms
Mobile App Development Platforms

In order to develop applications for iOS and Android system, there are a lot of programming languages came into existence. The various frameworks help to bring transformation in the field of mobile app development. You can consider taking help of the mobile application development companies in USA with which it will be easier for you to get the best services. You need to know about the top mobile application platforms which will be used by developers in the year 2019:

  • React Native

This can be known as one of the most famous frameworks which are a choice of mobile application developers. It is based on the open source working system and can provide support to various mobile app tools. Both iOS and Android applications can be created by using this framework.

  • Adobe PhoneGap

If you are looking for a cross-platform application development framework, then   Adobe PhoneGap is for you. The developers will be able to use CSS, Javascript and HTML5 to develop applications with using this framework. If you want to get a hybrid mobile application, then nothing can be better than this framework. It can provide fantastic performance along with the benefit of working on it without any restrictions on the hardware system. With the use of more plugins, one can add more functionality to this framework for free and that’s why this framework can be one of the best frameworks of this year.

  • Intel XDK

If you are looking forward to getting an app framework which helps in the creation of meaningful applications. The plugins are already present for the app developers and it can help in the development of the interactive applications which can work in all kind of devices. So, if you are looking for an iOS app development services, then you can take the help of this platform. You can ask the developers to use this framework in order to prepare your mobile application in an effective manner.

  • Flutter

This mobile application development platform was established by Google and it is quite famous among the developers of all over the world. If any company wants to develop hybrid applications, then this framework can do wonders. With the use of a 2D engine, it can do the task of developing visuals. Even if there is an error in the project, then one doesn’t need to start is all over again from the beginning, but you can continue it from where you left. You should always hire the best android app development company is you are looking forward to having an application specially designed for android mobile phones.

  • Ionic

It provides amazing ground for all the mobile applications need to be launched and it is also supported by every kind of mobile device. It can help in building hybrid applications also and it can be known as one of the best frameworks for the development of mobile application. Not only this but you can also get the cloud application services in which it will be easier for you to save information without needing a hard drive for storage.

  • JQuery Mobile

This is a kind of framework based on HTML5 and it is quite unique because it can function on all devices just with its single coding version. This framework can be used by you to build websites and mobile applications both which can be supported in iOS and androids both. By taking help of the custom mobile app development company, you can get your application built on this platform. This framework comes with two options among which one is the stable version while the other one is a customized framework of it. You can use the one which you find perfect according to your work and it is in huge demand due to the fast application development services.

So, these are the top mobile app development platforms which will be used by the best cross platform app development company this year. You should check which tools and frameworks are used by the company to develop a website for you. It will help you to know the exact worth of taking help from any mobile app developer. 

Quick Links; web and mobile app development company, software testing outsourcing companies, offshore outsourcing software development, laravel development services, open source web application development, java application development services, asp net app development services, App Development Platforms Sitelio

The Future of Mobile App Development

Since the last 20 years, website development services over the globe have started realizing that without a proper presence on the web, opportunities for business success have reduced significantly. As time is passing by, the web presence for brands and businesses has increased. Social Media Profiles, web-optimized pages, and mobile-ready websites are now a common picture or we can say a basic requirement, and now the latest trend or a necessary thing for a business is the mobile business application or just an ‘app’.

Mobile Application Development
Mobile Application Development

We all know what a mobile app is, a software application designed for smaller devices like tablets, smartphones, and other mobile devices backed up by the strong web application development. We generally download and install them through a particular app store in our mobile device. Two of the major App Stores today are App Store from Apple and Play Store from Google’s Android. Apps can be games, utility or office programs or even shopping or service portals. Well, mobile apps are fully customizable just like webandmobile app development as per the business needs and requirements. If you have a hotel business, there is an order taking app made especially for your restaurant.

Mobile app development is now an essential part of any digital strategy and the demand of mobile apps is increasing growing across the globe and now we have millions of educational, business, lifestyle and on-demand apps on the App Store and Play Store. Technology in the area of web application development and custom mobile app development is getting advanced day by day. A number of new trends have introduced over the past two years.

Here are some of the trends predicted for the future by our web app developmentexperts at Aress Software for the Mobile App Development:

1. Augmented reality (AR) Technology

The way how regular applications or traditional games work is completely changed with the introduction of Augmented Reality. This new technology in web and mobile app development will be advanced and robust till 2020 and probably become a mainstream thing. The Google and Apple have already introduced their Augmented Reality kits i.e. AR Core Resp. and AR Kit which are helping developers to create high-quality mobile apps.

2. Beacons

Among the common users, the technology of beacons becomes a lot wider. a lot of applications with beacon-based options are created for users, and – ranging from informational sources, virtual guides and ending with location-based games and much more. However, it’s unlikely that users expect a technical revolution in this direction.

3. Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence appears to be a game changer in mobile app development. Apple allowed developers to integrate Siri into their applications way back in 2017. Soon, AI is utilized for a good range of activities.

4. Blockchain

The blockchain is so much more than simply the technology behind cryptocurrencies. A digital book of economic transactions that may be programmed to record not simply monetary transactions however nearly everything valuable.

The mobile app business is ceaselessly increasing at the fast speed with the introduction of these mobile app trends. Immense competition among the developers and mobile app manufacturers will be there than ever in 2019. You want to think about of these mobile app development services trends before you begin acting on your app otherwise you would be left behind within the race. Now, don’t forget to tie each product launch to these mobile app trends.

Quick Links; cloud application development services, xamarin app development, ios app development services, windows app development, cross platform app development